Thursday, July 12, 2012


Just found out my Strawberry Banana Jam recipe is a finalist in the House Beautiful Ultimate Strawberry Jam Contest!!!  I’m so excited, charmed, happy, etc.!
Here’s some photos of how all that went down.
Strawberry Banana Jam

I spent a lot of hours making jam , remaking jam and then making more jam.  I was jam tired! 

Ever tried making your own jam?  Homemade jam is Made in the USA, nostalgic goodness.  Your reward is that nostalgia tastes good!  I’m supporting you to tie on a vintage apron and give Strawberry jam a try.

Pick up a box of fruit pectin and use the tried and true recipes inside.  Search out the best fruit and follow the directions EXACTLY.  Your house will smell so sweet. 
You’ll appreciate a strawberry huller (little metal tools amongst the berries) when preparing strawberries for jam.  I purchased these at World Market.  Purchase several and enlist the kiddos to help. 
A potato masher will  mash your berries quickly into consistently sized pieces.
Premeasure all your ingredients as you’ll need to add them quickly while cooking. Measure carefully and try not to be distracted by children, pets, or renegade cicadas that sneak in and demand attention that should be elsewhere. Too much sugar and you’ll have syrup.  Which is fine… if that’s what you wanted instead of jam.  I’m just saying.
Stir your jam constantly in a quality, heavy duty pot.
Give your jam a hot water bath! This simply means boiling in a large pot to safely preserve and seal your filled jam jars.  This is a canning pot with a wire rack that helps to safely lower your filled jars into the boiling water.  These pots are fairly inexpensive and available at hardware stores (who knew?) and your local stuff-mart.
And you gotta have biscuits!  This recipe is the yummy butter biscuits you can sample at the State Fair of Texas.  Had to use the ridged biscuit cutter because I couldn’t find my normal one.  It was kismet!  They looked extra prettified in the photo.
That’s it!  Wish me luck.  My recipe will be taste tested on Thursday, the 19th in New York City!  Yowwee kazowee!

So go get your apron on already!

1 comment:

  1. Julie, you take the most beautiful photo's for your blog. Maybe you should get into photography. Your blogs also make me very hungry and homesick for family. Love you guys.
